
How can we build on past experiences for better outcomes?

This case study underscores the iterative nature of product management by showcasing two redesign projects for one website. It also shows the value of ongoing improvements, adjustments, and refinements based on user feedback and changing requirements.

One Site, Two Redesigns

Two screenshots of different redesigns of a library website.
Both redesigns of the library website – the first at bottom right, and the second at top left.


I led two website redesign projects for a local public library system that serves approximately 130,000 people in 7 counties at 24 locations and LINK sites. My efforts had a direct impact on significantly enhancing their online presence, which led to a subsequent website redesign engagement four years later.

My approaches involved restructuring information architecture, creating intuitive navigation, and simplifying complex information through data visualization techniques. By leveraging customized WordPress installations, we seamlessly integrated attractive designs with essential features such as event calendars, resource links, and location information. These updates not only garnered positive responses but also bolstered community engagement.

The Original Website

The library system’s online presence required enhancement to better serve its community. The need was to create a user-friendly, visually appealing platform that efficiently conveyed information and resources, thereby fostering greater engagement.

The original website posed navigation challenges, lacked mobile-friendliness, and had design inconsistencies. An image map (bottom center) used for branch location navigation was only functional on specific devices. Some pages were either short or served as empty link containers (top center), while others presented lengthy, disorganized information (bottom right).

The library had several challenges that needed to be addressed with the first redesign, including:

  • Limited Technical Resources: The library’s Network Administrator had limited time for web development due to his responsibilities maintaining on-site servers, the network, and computer hardware for staff and patrons.
  • Bottlenecked Information Flow: The Marketing Director had become a bottleneck for online information since all 24 sites needed to send their updates to the main branch.
  • Lack of Brand Consistency: The absence of a consistent brand or style guide led to inconsistency in the use of icons, images, and colors.
  • Disorganized Content: Haphazard addition of information resulted in long, disorganized pages.

Furthermore, a lack of knowledge about web browser and mobile compatibility best practices was causing the site to quickly become outdated. For example, the image map was interactive, displaying branch site locations. But its main purpose, directing users to the respective branch webpages, failed on most devices.

What We Did

I planned and led both projects from initial discovery meetings to launch. While the Designers began re-envisioning the overall look and feel of the site, I performed meticulous information architecture restructuring to enhance the overall user experience and make the navigation more intuitive. I created cohesive categories and pages, emphasizing frequently sought-after information while encouraging users to explore more resources.

Photos of sketches used to prototype, wireframe, and organize the site architecture of a library website.
To begin prototyping, I re-structured the information architecture (top right), researched visual icons (bottom right), and white boarded how to structure the sites in WordPress (bottom center). For the second redesign, using sticky notes, I iterated on the home page’s wireframe structure (left). And I sketched out the HTML markup for content structure to include in sidebars for the individual location pages (top center).

Flexibility and adaptability are critical in achieving effective product outcomes. My wireframes evolved as I collaborated with our in-house team and contacts at the library to hone-in on features and capabilities.

For instance, the design team envisioned an interactive mosaic of button links on the home page for the second re-design. We initially planned for this mosaic to display 6 links across all devices, prioritizing the most-utilized website features. However, during the planning phase, we reconsidered its physical space requirements, the effects that only worked with mouse actions, and the necessity to maintain a minimum text size.

As a result, we simplified it to 4 buttons, as the other links were already accessible through the navigation menu. Additionally, we decided to hide it on mobile devices. I collaborated with the designers, using their imagery as the foundation for the mosaic’s design. I handled the rest, including building the mosaic and its interactions, styling the buttons and text, and adding on-hover effects.

Photos of sketches used to wireframe the home page of a library website and an interactive mosaic of images.
The home page of the second re-design evolved through lo-fi wireframes. In the sketch on the left, I indicated global and editable areas, while making other design decisions. In the other sketch (right), I added space for an alert banner and began structuring two navigation menus at the top.
A photo of a wireframe sketch of default and on-hover behaviors, plus screenshots of the final interactive mosaic user interface design and several of it's on-hover effects.
The interactive mosaic design on the home page of the second re-design progressed as we tried options for up to 6 links (wireframe sketch at top left). I styled them for interactivity by changing them as the user hovered their mouse over each (right).

I also improved the organization of key pages. Take the Research page, for instance. After the initial redesign of the site’s layout, it remained cluttered with an overload of information, logos, and links. However, in the second redesign, I systematically categorized and wireframed the page content to create a user-friendly layout. This made it simpler for users to comprehend and access the resources they needed.

Three example screenshots of the evolution of a library website's Research page, along with photos of annotated wireframe sketches used to organize the content for the final design.
The Research page’s evolution (left to right) involved content restructuring in the final version (right), which I achieved through categorization and wireframe sketching (bottom left). Both redesigns (top center and right) also feature “ticker-tape” alerts at the top.

To expedite online information delivery, the initial redesign aimed to empower branch librarians with user-friendly website management features, including a conditional display “ticker-tape” alert, an events calendar, and an auto-scrolling featured blog post.

Two example screenshots of a library site's header designs with an alert banner on each, and a screenshot of an Upcoming Events calendar widget showcasing five events.
Using front-end programming languages, I created styled user interface elements. I designed interactive alert banners that fit the overall site design (right) and navigational menus and buttons with on-hover and selected effects. I also used typography skills to style events calendar elements, such as the design of this widget (left).

I also established profiles and configured permissions for multiple users. Because our objective was to enhance their control while providing style and color guidelines, I worked with the Marketing Director to choose which rich text editing options to offer vs. which were exclusively controlled by the site’s CSS. Then I created step-by-step documentation and trained library staff on how to manage User Accounts and the site’s pages, blog, calendar, and other features.

Overall, my role in this project involved:

  • Custom WordPress Website Migration Project and Product Management
  • UX and IA Structure
  • Multi User Events Calendar, Blog, SEO Tools and HTML Email Setup
  • Advanced Programming Integrations
  • UI Graphic Design
  • Front-End Programming

Results and Learnings

Both redesigns achieved transformative outcomes. The incorporation of customized WordPress installations and user-centric design facilitated seamless navigation, integration of essential features, and enhanced brand identity. Notably, the second redesign included new features like a catalog search bar, dynamic event highlights, and responsive design, contributing to a more user-centered library experience.

Some of our upgrades from the first to the second redesign were driven by technological advancements. In the initial redesign, we integrated a third-party calendar system that the library had purchased. However, due to limitations, we could only create off-site links to it. Additionally, there were few options for styling the off-site calendar, causing it to look distinctively different from the cohesive design we aimed for.

Screenshots of calendar systems used for a library website; one an off-site system that offered limited styling options, and two screenshots of a customized calendar display.
The 3rd-party calendar (right) offered limited styling options. Utilizing a different solution for the 2nd re-design (left), I integrated and styled the events calendar.

In the second redesign, I researched and installed a free plugin that offered a more advanced calendar system. This plugin gave us control over the design, allowing us to match it with the library’s brand. Additionally, we streamlined the login system’s integration with the website, making management more efficient. Users could now handle both the site and calendar with a single login, eliminating the need for separate logins.

Furthermore, I gained valuable insights into usability design between the first and second redesigns, which I applied to this project.

For instance, we realized that we had given branch librarians (and the Marketing Director) a significant amount of control in the first re-design. Despite having style and design guidelines in place, it turned out that this level of control was overwhelming. They struggled to keep their location’s information up-to-date and often misinterpreted the style guidelines, resulting in edits that deviated from the brand. What’s more, they frequently made changes to the information architecture and navigation, unaware that adding too many items to the navigation menus would disrupt the design on smaller screens.

As a result, in the second redesign, we decided to reduce their ability to manage the site, and most of those duties were reassigned to the Marketing Director. This experience taught me valuable lessons about assessing a client’s resource capabilities and how to propose solutions that are future-proofed.

Two screenshots of pages on a library website where the content does not harmonize with the overall design.
The site’s layout style was mostly fixed. However, the client could edit all the content in the center of each page using a rich-text editor, which sometimes led to design inconsistencies (right). Furthermore, their changes to the navigation menus (left) often unintentionally affected menu functionality on smaller screens.

Although we retained the slider gallery on the home page in the second re-design, I implemented a different type that offered better compatibility with mobile devices and evolving technology. In addition, I established clearer guidelines for the images that the Marketing Director should upload. To simplify the process, I created a template that allowed them to pre-format images to the correct dimensions before uploading. This combination of enhanced guidance and updated technology resulted in a more successful outcome for the library, with content that aligned more seamlessly with the design.

Screenshots of a library website's home page photo slider with several text and image issues caused by improper sizing, formats, and colors.
The image slider on the first re-design appeared visually appealing when the client adhered to harmonious colors, fonts, and proper sizing (lower right). Nonetheless, occasionally, the client made questionable design choices or failed to size the images appropriately before uploading, leading to display issues and challenges for individuals with vision impairments.
In the second redesign, I worked to fix the display problems identified in the first redesign. I created detailed documentation and trained the Marketing Director in site management best practices. While some issues still occurred, they were less frequent and less severe.

Our journey emphasized the need for continual refinement based on past experiences. By prioritizing user-centric design and collaboration, we met the library system’s needs and engaged the community effectively. These projects’ success underscores the value of iterative improvement and the long-term benefits of user-centered digital experiences.

Prioritizing Inclusion

Prioritizing Inclusion